Car Warranty Quotes For Comparison

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Extended Car Warranties

Compare the extended warranty offerings that are provided by your manufacturer against the independent car warranty providers.

Make sure you know exactly what the warranty covers, and more importantly, what it doesn't cover.

Don't pay over the odds for a policy that won't provide the cover you actually need.

Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo Car warranty

The Alfa Romeo review helps you compare warranties from Alfa Romeo dealers to policies from independent providers.

Aston Martin

Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Aston Martin's manufacturer warranty extension, available via the dealer, is summarised and reviewed here.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Audi's manufacturer and dealer products are examined here.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Bentley's extended protection is summarised here, along with the key details you need to consider.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

BMW offer a vast array of warranties compared to many manufacturers. Understand them here.



Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Chevrolet's much-advertised 5-year offer is made up of 3 year manufacturer cover, plus 2 years insurance. Understand what this means here.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Citroen's manufacturer and dealer offerings are examined here.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Information about Daihatsu's new car and extended warranties. As Daihatsus are no longer sold in the UK, buying from an independent company is the most likely way to get protection against car bills.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

The Fiat pages helps you compare Fiat's new car, extended and used car policy cover with policies from independent car warranty companies.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Ford's new, used and extended warranty offerings summarised, including prices.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Lists the features and benefits of Honda's extended policies and highlights the key things you need to know or think about before buying.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Information about [name]'s extended car warranty.  Check to see which parts are covered, which aren't, and the restrctions and limitations on the protection provided.



Alfa Romeo Car warranty


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

This Jaguar summary review helps you compare cover from Jaguar dealers to the other 'direct-to-consumer' products available in the market.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Kia's 7-year promise under the spot light.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Land Rover

Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Our Land Rover review helps you compare Land Rover dealers to alternatives. Check to see which parts are covered, which aren't, and the restrctions and limitations.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Lexus' extended warranty cover summary and prices are reviewed here for comparison with other products.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Check this summary to see which parts are covered, which aren't, and the restrctions and limitations on the cover provided by Maserati.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Mazda's policies and prices for extending the new car cover are all explained here.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Detailed Mercedes-Benz cover and prices summary.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

The Mini extended warranty offering that is available from BMW dealers is summarised here including key terms, limitations and prices.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

The Nissan summary includes the latest terms and conditions and indicative prices on the products availalbe from Nissan via its dealer network.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Peugeot's new car and extended policies are summarised in this report, including some indicative prices.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

The Porsche summary sets out what protection you can expect from Porsche and its dealers.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Proton's new car guarantees and extended warranty options are examined in this summary.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Renault have made many changes to their new car and extended policy offerings in recent years. We explain the changes and what it means for Renault owners.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Saab is no longer making cars or selling them in the UK, but their former dealers - where trading - still offer warranties which offer cover similar to the original Saab products summarised here. Compare this to independent offerings to find the best value.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

The Seat review helps you compare the Seat manufacturer and dealers offering to the 'direct-to-consumer' products in the market.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

The Skoda review has been written to highlight what is and is not covered by the products available direct from Skoda and their dealers.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

The Smart policy review helps you compare the Smart dealer offer to independent competitors.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Suzuki warranty review helps you compare warranties from Suzuki dealers to used car warranties from independent companies.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Toyota extended their warranty cover following their 'recall scandal'. Check how long they cover your car, and the options for extending the cover with this review.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Does Vauxhall's "lifetime" warranty cover your car? And if so, what does it really cover in comparison to alternatives?


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

Our Volkswagen review helps you compare the protection available via VW dealers to the alternatives in the market.


Alfa Romeo Car warranty

The Volvo warranty review summarises the protection available in the manufacturer and dealer cover, for comparison purposes.