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If you are considering buying an extended warranty for your car, you need to know what it will cover.
Manufacturer policies do not always give you as much coverage as an independent used car warranty provider.
Most manufacturer policies do not include protection against breaking down due to wear and tear on key parts.
Independent used car warranty providers do cover wear and tear - although you must check the policy details - and they also offer more generous cover for things like overheating and consequential damage.
They also tend to be cheaper.
Reliability is very good on most cars for the first few years, but when a car is over 3 years old the chances of breaking down increase, and repair bills are much higher than they used to be.
Main dealer labour rates are now around £100 - £200 per hour and so many components are now extremely expensive. For example:
If you are looking for an extended car warranty, we recommend MotorEasy Car Warranty
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